A new beginning
Finally obtaining a job that relates with my studies" Marketing". I've applied with the same University I've studied with for the pass few years ago however it would be based in Cyberjaya while I was studying in Melaka back then.Interview arrangement was done and called in on Tuesday 5/3/2013 and instantly the day after I was called to be informed that I was selected for the post :Assistant Manager for Post Graduate Studies.
Glad and Joyous at the same time till I would wanna scream and shout my lungs out if I only could. Too bad I have intention to inform my colleagues regarding it for the time being since this end if the Month *March (BONUS) is on the way... Plan to send my resignation letter once the bonus is in and my last day would be on 4/4/2013.
Commencement date for the new job will be on 8/4/2013 and looking forward for a new beginning.
PS: I've taken the advise from a very close friend of mine to stay and gained as much experience as I could and Now is Time to leave ....guess it applies to me as well..time to say goodbye to you too.
Picture taken in Phuket on the way down from Big Buddha.
Written on Monday, March 11, 2013 at 12:16 AM
Mixed Dealing
I must admit I'm really getting frustrated with those Sg-rean that have their most ultimately favorite passtime which is COMPLAINING.
I just got Fucked but a customer which seriously not even my efking fault. He just kept saying F-U in every sentences that comes out from his mouth and by the way his initial intention is to look for someone and if you prompt to get more information there you go a FREE F-U straight at your face.
Oh yeah, I tendered my resignation on 1st September and was offered to another department. Therefore I shall remain and learn first before leaving the company. The lease I could bare with is not hearing any shitz from those complaining peeps everyday.
The Bali and Redang trip was awesome. Too bad I did not manage to get myself tanned up but the color was mild thou.
Pictures will come right up.. I think I really need to start blogging again.I've been neglecting my baby for quite some time too.
Oh yea, I kinda miss you. you. and you.
Written on Sunday, September 25, 2011 at 11:19 PM
I hate my life part 1
Yes indeed I've abandon you my dear blog. I truly sorry for that.. Felt really bad.Well even if I ran as far as I could from reality, it really slaps back real hard. My bitches told me to just give up and let it go but as much as I wanted to do so, it by bit it is still hard for me till something slaps me real hard on my face and Pooff... reality sucks.
Work..work ...work part of my another life that I hated most. Colleagues are alright I could say but nevertheless the part I hated the most was the Jobscope.
I know Jason, you gonna read this. I appreciated every help that you gave me, even encourage me and gave me advises. Appreciate it LOTS.
Well I thing I don't regret is" For every new place I come, I gain something"=Friends,Meaning of life and how sucks a life can be.Additional how F$%^** can a Singaporean BE!!!
No offence to the SG ppl. For those whom I dealt with, well i know not all are but most of them were.Fav passtime is to COMPLAIN!
PS: Time to live and let go!!!
Written on Friday, July 08, 2011 at 12:17 AM
Is Action louder than Words
For certain reason, wrong action can lead to a bad bad outcome and there is words to describe it all.
It may not be as harmful as it sees but certainly words do play a huge role. In words to can express all you wants, for the things you don't even dare of doing it or for the thing that we wish to do but hasn't has the chance to do so. Action speak louder than words?
Life is a bitch at times. Certain people living a pretty much good life, having things they ever dream of but other don't. Well not all people have the extra luck don't they.
In action I could not take, here is the words I've could express.
Running away to whole new place was a learning and knowledge I gained but truthfully thinking that I could not lie to myself is I'm running away from the fact that is for Him.Trying to forget the past.
Still I'm back to the pass only thing is I did manage to left some behind. Works hasn't been quite entertaining though. That's for sure. Meaningless as it can be I'm still surviving.
For the time being, I do miss 'him' alil while, my room back in melaka and my life back in hometown.Living alone in the room seems very boring to me when you're dead sick and nobody to turn to.SUCKS!!!
That for now..Life is an efking bitch.
Written on Sunday, February 20, 2011 at 11:52 PM
I guess I've really have abandon my blog for such a long time.Since I started working in Cyber I hasnt have the time to update my blog when there so much I wanted to share and blog about.
Many pictures are still pending and even my bestie Jason called up and ask why hasnt I updated my blogie for such a long time.
For the title about as well, I think I need to abandon my feelings as well.
Thats for now!!Happy Chinese New Year peeps. Gong Xi Fa Chai of the year Rabbit.
Have a Prosperous New Year!
Written on Sunday, February 06, 2011 at 4:04 PM
job indead
Finally, after the months in Muehlbauer Tech I've left with half hearted feelings. This is due to the recent job I've got from HSBC in Cyberjaya. Needless to say, I'm just trying out for the job vacancy there and didn't expect it would be accepted and proceed with the procedure real fast. It's like today interview then the next day were confirmed and ask for medical report and the next very day to collect offer letter.
Today would be my day 3 in Seri Kembangan. Crashing over at D and V place while I'l hunt for a room. I did manage to get a room thou is not what i would like to stay in for couple of months. It just meanwhile. I wont HIAM too much.a
Induction programme was fine. All went well.
Last but not lease, I take my determination for someone advise to the next level. I shall try my best!
Written on Saturday, October 02, 2010 at 1:06 PM
Well, so far after graduation I've been sending some resume over through jobstreet for fun of it and some really do struck.
However, after attending some of the interviews, I personally do think that those jobs doesn't suite my cuppa of tea. Or maybe I'm just another choosy person that really picky about choosing the right one.
At lease I know what I want. Rejected a job in hometown and today I've just finished the second interview at Muar and seriously I felt I'm gonna reject this has well.
Still job hunting.Guess, It not really easy to find a dream job.
Signing off.Chioz
However, after attending some of the interviews, I personally do think that those jobs doesn't suite my cuppa of tea. Or maybe I'm just another choosy person that really picky about choosing the right one.
At lease I know what I want. Rejected a job in hometown and today I've just finished the second interview at Muar and seriously I felt I'm gonna reject this has well.
Still job hunting.Guess, It not really easy to find a dream job.
Signing off.Chioz
Written on Thursday, August 19, 2010 at 8:39 PM
Graduate Class 11th 2010

It falls on Monday and most of my friends couldn't make it on the glorious day.
Nevertheless, It was one of the highlights of the day in my life.
Another chapter to begin with.
We will take our own separate path once we graduated. Above Peeps used to be my Marketing Teams. We share our laughter and stressful events for assignments and presentations each week cracking heads for numerous of idea and yet we still had a great time together. We finally reached the destination, the last pit stop. The Graduation.

Written on Sunday, August 08, 2010 at 3:28 PM
Quote of the day
Alright despite having the quote of the day which should makes those whom preach it happy some might don't take it as it is.
1 count: Those is efking calculati
ve in $$ arghh YES money...
The quote: Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy" by Benjamin
Thou I didn't have much beer last night but certain faces shows it all with the Johnny Walker sign on the face..keeps on moving.. which seriously make me sick.
It suppose to be a reunion thou but I fel
t it did turn up ugly the 1st half..comes better the 2nd half all because my utterly 'saviors' of the day were actually there.
Thanks to Jack and Sharon.If wasnt for them my 2nd half would be a deadly hollow as well facing efking vinegar sour face throughout the whole reunion in Forbidden City.Holy Craps.
At lease Benjamin Franklin quote does have an effect on me which makes me happy when beers around not Johnny Walkers around that night.
This cheers me up a lil with the persona on my operating system Animation of Spongebob...Yet i do see some efking sour faces that would recall me of last night....FUG
Written on Sunday, July 18, 2010 at 9:01 PM
Tioman vacation 2nd session
The beach
I cant believe it within a month I back to the same island again staying in all expense paid trip to Tioman under Berjaya Resort.
Since the expenses are paid off is better off to go and get some pure relaxation for 3days 2 nights. Out of the crazy world and hectic work loads. Get the breeze and sandy beaches with the dazzling sunlight burning my skins.
My suite with pool
A months does change much at the island only thing is it was a last minute booking where the room booking was actually a standard room but we were given Suite instead. It far away from the beach of course and its on the top of the hill.
Pretty much kinda troublesome to get food or sight seeing since its on the top and the beach is at the bottom. So I've requested for a change of room to standard Deluxe room nearby to the beach..Satisfied at last. Just a walking distance to the beach get some sun bathing and relaxation.Here are some of the pictures of beautiful sunset in the evening.
lights behind the clouds..
Written on Friday, July 16, 2010 at 10:20 PM
沒那麼簡單 -Its not easy
沒那麼簡單 就能找到 聊得來的伴
尤其是在 看過了那麼多的背叛
總是不安 只好強悍 誰謀殺了我的浪漫
沒那麼簡單 就能去愛 別的全不看
變得實際 也許好也許壞各一半
不愛孤單 一久也習慣 不用擔心誰 也不用被誰管
感覺快樂就忙東忙西 感覺累了就放空自己
別人說的話 隨便聽一聽 自己作決定
不想擁有太多情緒 一杯紅酒配電影
在周末晚上 關上了手機 舒服窩在沙發裡
相愛沒有那麼容易 每個人有他的脾氣
過了愛作夢的年紀 轟轟烈烈不如平靜
幸福沒有那麼容易 才會特別讓人著迷
什麼都不懂的年紀 曾經最掏心 所以最開心 曾經
想念最傷心 但卻最動心 的記憶
I found out this song really meaningful. Things don't comes easily. To achieve and to strive is not an easy task to do.
To be love is not easy too what more Happiness
don't come easily.
Written on Saturday, July 03, 2010 at 1:47 PM
Its been some time since I last wrote my blog. I'm just being lazy to update lately don't I.
There's many things happening around lately. Many tears shed many laughter going around.. Tears of joy and tears of sorrow.
Lately there's alot to think. To stay and work or to continue study Master. Many in consideration. Even my HOD was asking the same thing whether I'm interested staying over. Dilemma going around my mind right now.
I had a huge crush on someone. Well, I gotta admit it don't I.He seems like my elder brother taking care of me all the time he treats me well too.
Well time really flies.Its been 8 months since I joint the company.
Its it time to quit after graduation.
One gave me advise, Quit Nicotina!! its bad. Well I do agree its bad but Its not often thou. Im taking the advise to quit. As quiting alcohol,I guess that its pretty hard for me to accomplish that in life.
QUITING in life....
Quit on putting hope that could not achieve.
Quit on harmful effect in my life.
Living my life as it is.
Written on Friday, July 02, 2010 at 9:47 PM
The Tioman joyride
With geared up 5 cars drive from Muar to Mersing in the early dawn and we made it to Mersing as early as the rising sun is about to shine.The ferry that would take us to the island will depart at 10.00am but we waited for an extra hour due to the overwhelming crowd to the island. Its a 2Days 1 night trip for family members and my third trip to the island with sandy beaches and beutiful corals to look at that hasn't dissapoint me abit.
We stayed at Berjaya Tioman Resort where situated up the hills beside the beach that in the area of Tekek.The view of the island was superb.One night relaxing day with sun tanning and lotsa booze...Joyvious vacation for me.
Written on Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 2:19 PM
I wana be a billionaire so fucking efking bad
Written on Sunday, May 30, 2010 at 8:25 PM
Look out
Look out
Look out
Where it’s at (where it’s at)
I know karma’s coming to pay me back (pay me back)
I’m with the sweetest thang that’s on the map (on the map)
I broke her heart in 30 seconds flat
In 30 seconds flat
Now how did I (how did I)
Just how did I become that kind of guy (kind of guy)
To look at girl and lie right in the eye (in the eye)
My momma told me willy that aint right
Boy now that aint right
I’m s s s sorry
I’m s s s sorry
I didn’t mean to break your heart
(I didn’t mean to break your heart)
I’m s s s sorry
I’m s s s sorry
I didn’t mean to break ya
B b b b break it baby
Look baby
I’m a heartbreaker
I’m a heartbreaker
I’m a heartbreaker
I’m a heartbreaker
You’re my heartbreaker
You’re my heartbreaker
You’re my heartbreaker
A h h h h I’m a heart
A h h h I’m a
Where she go (where she go)
I got some things I gotta let her know (let her know)
To fix the love now its impossible (its imposible)
But baby baby if we take it slow
If we take it slow
We can make it work make it work
We just cant throw the love down in the dirt in the dirt
You probly think that im a f**kin jerk
cause the way I let you down it made you hurt
I didn’t mean to make you hurt
I’m s s s sorry
I’m s s s sorry
I didn’t mean to break your heart
(I didn’t mean to break your heart)
I’m s s s sorry
I’m s s s sorry
I didn’t mean to break ya
B b b b break it baby
Look baby
I’m a heartbreaker
You’re my heartbreaker
I’m a heartbreaker
You’re my heartbreaker
I’m a heartbreaker
You’re my heartbreaker
You’re my heart
A h h h h im a heart
A h h h ima
(Sheryl & will.i.am)
Break it down
(Lets break it down)
Break it down
(Lets break it down)
Break it down
(Lets break it down)
Break it down
(Lets break it down)
Break it down
(Lets break it down)
Break it down
(Lets break it down)
Break it down
(Lets break it down)
Break it down
(Lets break it down)
Break it down
(Lets break it down)
You’re my heartbreaker
You’re my heartbreaker
You’re my heartbreaker
You’re my heartbreaker
I’m a heartbreaker
I’m a heartbreaker
I’m a heartbreaker
A h h h h I’m a heart
A h h h h I’m a
Look out
Look out
Where it’s at (where it’s at)
I know karma’s coming to pay me back (pay me back)
I’m with the sweetest thang that’s on the map (on the map)
I broke her heart in 30 seconds flat
In 30 seconds flat
Now how did I (how did I)
Just how did I become that kind of guy (kind of guy)
To look at girl and lie right in the eye (in the eye)
My momma told me willy that aint right
Boy now that aint right
I’m s s s sorry
I’m s s s sorry
I didn’t mean to break your heart
(I didn’t mean to break your heart)
I’m s s s sorry
I’m s s s sorry
I didn’t mean to break ya
B b b b break it baby
Look baby
I’m a heartbreaker
I’m a heartbreaker
I’m a heartbreaker
I’m a heartbreaker
You’re my heartbreaker
You’re my heartbreaker
You’re my heartbreaker
A h h h h I’m a heart
A h h h I’m a
Where she go (where she go)
I got some things I gotta let her know (let her know)
To fix the love now its impossible (its imposible)
But baby baby if we take it slow
If we take it slow
We can make it work make it work
We just cant throw the love down in the dirt in the dirt
You probly think that im a f**kin jerk
cause the way I let you down it made you hurt
I didn’t mean to make you hurt
I’m s s s sorry
I’m s s s sorry
I didn’t mean to break your heart
(I didn’t mean to break your heart)
I’m s s s sorry
I’m s s s sorry
I didn’t mean to break ya
B b b b break it baby
Look baby
I’m a heartbreaker
You’re my heartbreaker
I’m a heartbreaker
You’re my heartbreaker
I’m a heartbreaker
You’re my heartbreaker
You’re my heart
A h h h h im a heart
A h h h ima
(Sheryl & will.i.am)
Break it down
(Lets break it down)
Break it down
(Lets break it down)
Break it down
(Lets break it down)
Break it down
(Lets break it down)
Break it down
(Lets break it down)
Break it down
(Lets break it down)
Break it down
(Lets break it down)
Break it down
(Lets break it down)
Break it down
(Lets break it down)
You’re my heartbreaker
You’re my heartbreaker
You’re my heartbreaker
You’re my heartbreaker
I’m a heartbreaker
I’m a heartbreaker
I’m a heartbreaker
A h h h h I’m a heart
A h h h h I’m a
Written on at 1:20 AM
Opening eyes

One small event can be a opening eyes.
A simple action can meant anything or everything.
Shall I thanked for the awakening?
The realization of where I am standing!
Where I belong
Where shall I stand?
The simple action makes
understand what you're trying to portray!
I have the clearer view now.
Not every chance can be taken as a risk
and not every given opportunity
can be taken as a chance.
A wake up Call.
A simple action can meant anything or everything.
Shall I thanked for the awakening?
The realization of where I am standing!
Where I belong
Where shall I stand?
The simple action makes
understand what you're trying to portray!
I have the clearer view now.
Not every chance can be taken as a risk
and not every given opportunity
can be taken as a chance.
A wake up Call.
Written on Saturday, May 29, 2010 at 6:31 PM
the end study life job hunting
Finally, the end of study life. It's been 5 years of endless studying and the joy of being a student all these days, the excitement of being with friends in campus with different races and different personalities gossiping and updating each other about almost anything that came to mind. It soon gonna end.Everyone has their own path, their own way to head now.The end of student life means the end of playful ground and its time for another chapter in life. The working life lies ahead. More responsibilities that need to be taken in considerations.
End of last presentation
As for myself, the finals exam was pretty much okay. I really hope that I could achieve a better result to improve my result since it was the last 2 papers in the campus. There's no any trips for me as right after the exam, I headed off to work and more work. Currently, looking for a permanent job and more job hunting to be search. Hope that everything would come smoothly for me.
PS: I heard a song last night and it really giving me a push on it on what to do in the future
" When there is a RISK, there is a CHANCE to ACHIEVE what you want in LIFE."
I've decided to achieve what I want regardless what other thinks.
As for myself, the finals exam was pretty much okay. I really hope that I could achieve a better result to improve my result since it was the last 2 papers in the campus. There's no any trips for me as right after the exam, I headed off to work and more work. Currently, looking for a permanent job and more job hunting to be search. Hope that everything would come smoothly for me.
PS: I heard a song last night and it really giving me a push on it on what to do in the future
" When there is a RISK, there is a CHANCE to ACHIEVE what you want in LIFE."
I've decided to achieve what I want regardless what other thinks.
Written on Saturday, May 22, 2010 at 12:49 PM

L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one I see
V is very, very extraordinary
E is even more than anyone that you adore
Love is all that I can give to you
Love is more than just a game for two
Two in love can make it
Take my heart and please don't break it
Love was made for me and you
Love is all that I can give to you
Love is more than just a game for two
Two in love can make it
Take my heart and please don't break it
Love was made for me and you
Love was made for me and you
Love was made for me and you
O is for the only one I see
V is very, very extraordinary
E is even more than anyone that you adore
Love is all that I can give to you
Love is more than just a game for two
Two in love can make it
Take my heart and please don't break it
Love was made for me and you
Love is all that I can give to you
Love is more than just a game for two
Two in love can make it
Take my heart and please don't break it
Love was made for me and you
Love was made for me and you
Love was made for me and you
Written on Tuesday, May 18, 2010 at 9:50 PM
Happy b'lated Bday Jackie
Surprisingly many of the familiar faces is there including this buaya darat and his bro Jacksun. Glad you were there buaya to add the fun.
Written on Monday, May 17, 2010 at 10:09 PM
A Bowling Deal that we've lost
Dinner nearby after work and head off to the Melaka International Bowling Centre. My first time there and my first impression was good. Hey!!It's new and of course its good specially the lanes but I dislike their oily super..super duper oily lane..Ohgosh!!Beside the lane cant be slides like I normally do...SO Tak Biasa!!!
After a week or two after the game, well the winners' JAck and Tine finally claim their winning and As I and KC need to pay for it I suggested Tribe the Houz for good booze and relaxation confort with lotsa pillows.Here it goes...!!!!
Written on Sunday, May 16, 2010 at 12:12 AM
New Toy Back In town
Got a Call from my uncle.Finally he decided to sell his car. I've spoke to him late last year when he decided to get a Mitsubishi Triton just to avoid the tax and thus he say he might sell to me if his brother in law which is working with him not using his car. Therefore after half a year, he decided to call me on my birthday and said" Do you stick with your plan on buying the car?" and I said "Yes, Of course". And so It would my best birthday ever as I was planning to get my very own car with my own money.He decided to sell me the car for only 20K and the condition of the car is very well maintain as it came with full specs, modify rear and bumper,4 sport rims and 2 extra speakers at back seat.All this for 20K I really found it very worth it as the estimated year of using it only 3years + almost 4 Years.
Written on Saturday, May 15, 2010 at 11:57 AM